Chris was watching Johnny tonight and caught these great photos of him playing in the stools in the kitchen.
29 April 2007
Johnny is up and moving
Chris was watching Johnny tonight and caught these great photos of him playing in the stools in the kitchen.
Yankee fans in New Hampshire - say it isn't so!
Yes, we found some Yankee fans here in New Hampshire.
Susan and Nic hosted a Yankee Fan's only party today. We all (even me) broke out and dusted off our Yankee gear, and donned it proudly to the party. I did have a split second doubt that I may have misunderstood and we would look like fools all set for the game. Everyone there was wearing the Blue pinstripes and we had fun watching them play. Now, if they would only start winning.
Neighborhood Watch
Johnny and Buzz watched the over the neighborhood.
The town has bulky waste day this week. Eveyone puts out loads of junk,old couches, bikes, tv's and freezers, and then the town takes them away. That's what you get for paying outrageous taxes I suppose. Anyway, since Durham is famous for it, we also "welcome" scavengers who cruise though the town looking for treasures. Many a pick-up has stopped at each driveway to pick though the goods. The dogs are having a field day barking and guarding. John and Buzz took their shift at the front door this afternoon.
We Visit Dave and Rosanne in Litchfield
We drove down to Litchfield CT on Saturday to visit Uncle Dave and Aunt Rosanne. The day started out rainy and cold, but by the time we got there, it was sunny and warm. A nice addition to the day. We stopped at Riens Deli on our way and got lunch. Despite her recent diagnosis, Rosanne was in good spirits and looked great. We had a nice lunch and then took a walk around the yard. We checked out all the new flowers popping up, smelled the magnolias and teased Uncle Dave about his used car collection. It was great to get down there and see them,. Our thoughts and prayers are with you!
26 April 2007
No Photos today
No Photos today. I haven't lugged my camera out. Should have yesterday. My adorable nephews came over to play.
Connor and Johnny were too cute. John needs to head over to their house to get some toughening up. He didn't cry or anything, but connor was all over him, and he isn't used to that. He is used to being cuddled and held and carried around by his gentle sisters. We need to spend some more time with Connor! The girls have been at UNH fit camp all week and having a ball. Caroline is so so tired, she melted down in her pizza tonight. Chris is off with Uncle Jeffy to Boston to check out Citizen Cope at the Avalon. Hope they are having fun. Found a group of Yankee Fans, and are heading to a BBQ this weekend to see the game, Go Yankees!!! Johnny has yet another tooth on the top and is practically crawling, he's getting big so fast.
Photos will come....promise
Connor and Johnny were too cute. John needs to head over to their house to get some toughening up. He didn't cry or anything, but connor was all over him, and he isn't used to that. He is used to being cuddled and held and carried around by his gentle sisters. We need to spend some more time with Connor! The girls have been at UNH fit camp all week and having a ball. Caroline is so so tired, she melted down in her pizza tonight. Chris is off with Uncle Jeffy to Boston to check out Citizen Cope at the Avalon. Hope they are having fun. Found a group of Yankee Fans, and are heading to a BBQ this weekend to see the game, Go Yankees!!! Johnny has yet another tooth on the top and is practically crawling, he's getting big so fast.
Photos will come....promise
21 April 2007
A nice day had by all
The storm has subsided. The flood waters have receeded. The sun was out. The air was warm.
The Neighborhood kids were all home. Best of all, Chris finally came home from the longest week in history.
I had been suquestered in the house all week, no husband, no errands, no sunshine. It all changed today, the stars were all in line. Chris was home by 11 am. The gaggle of neighborhood kids were out by then, playing softball. Chris joined in while Johnny and I watched and cheered. We had lunch ( nothing great as I STILL have yet to go to the grocery store). Hopped in the car and headed to the BEACH, yes folks, the beach. We hit Jennes first and then went over to Ordieorne to play on the swings. Johnny's first time on the swing, and he loved it.
19 April 2007
In February we had the luck of being invited to two ski weekends in Vermont.
The first was in Mt Snow and the other in Killington. We have lovely friends who have lovely connections.
We had two great weekends. The kids had a great time together. How they miss each other.
Glad Heather called today and got me thinking of the good time we had.
Oh we had such grand plans to relax and watch P and P.
Then we missed the Smiths in Killington, what a weekend they had.
Free at last
We are free at last, free at last. Thank God almighty, we are free at last.
The road opened up today, and yet, I did not get out as soon as I thought.
The piano tuner came today (just what I need after the flood), and then Johnny needed a nap.
The the kids came home. I couldn't stand it another minute, we went out to dinner.
Of course we had to take the long way around and it took us another 20 minutes to get to Portsmouth.
Johnny learned to wave this week. We really had a lot of time to work on it! He is so cute. He is suddenly so
aware of his surroundings. He understand directions and is so happy. At dinner tonight, he saw a little boy that he was excited about. He waved and squealed the whole time. He was too cute. It makes me think that just 9 months ago, he was just born. I had to look back at some picutes of that little cutie.
16 April 2007
Venturing out in the flood waters
Flood Flood Glorious Flood
Nothing quite like it for cooling the blood.....
What a day. Over 5 inches of rain since last night and snow all day yesterday.
We had almost 3 inches of water in the basement, a burnt out sump pump and
Chris was supposed to leave early tomorrow morning for CA for a week.
At least we have power. Looks like the worst is behind us for right now.
The river is high and hasn't creasted yet, so we'll see what happens next.
Of course, our road is an island once more. Thanks to Uncle Drew who went out and
bought us a new sump pump, and thanks to friend Craig who brought us another device to
get rid of all the excess water. Good to have friend and family nearby who have trucks.
The girls had no school and they hung in their PJ's all day. John and I swept the water in the basement - what a workout.
Who says you can't do anything with a baby on your hip?
Johnny and Buzz
15 April 2007
Johnny in a box
14 April 2007
Mom and the girls do Girl Scout Camping
The girls troop had an overnight to Camp Seawood in Portsmouth last night.
There were 14 girls and 5 moms. We cooked dinner, had smores by the campfire,
and attempted sleep. I think everone settled down by 10:30. We were up by 5:45 AM!
A breakfast of pancakes, sausage, eggs and toast fueled us up for a hike, complete with a
scavenger hunt. I was so glad to go and hang out with my girls and get to see them in another
element that I don't usually see them in.
Pre-Easter Storm
Next.....Off to Hingham
After checking out the Easter baskets from the bunny, we hopped in the car and headed to Hingham to see Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Drew, Aunt Kirsten, cousins Quinn, Ethan and Connor, Baby Tim, Madison and Trish and Pete. Complete with a fabulous easter Egg Hunt, we had quite the day funn of kids and sunshine.
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