Johnny and I were crawling around outside in the grass today. We found leaves, sticks and bark. He discovered that none of these tasted really good. He was so serious.
30 May 2007
Johnny Explores the Outdoors
Johnny and I were crawling around outside in the grass today. We found leaves, sticks and bark. He discovered that none of these tasted really good. He was so serious.
29 May 2007
happy Memorial day at Lake Dunmore
The cottage is open! We treked up to Vermont on Saturday morning. Chris went straight to work with the chain saw and the girls and I cleaned out the bed rooms and made the beds. Bruce and Andrea got a lot done before we got up there, but there was still a lot to do. We did get to relax and have a swim. Most memorial days, it is too cold to swim, but the girls went in a couple of times, and I actually did too. Of course it was a double dog dare from Caroline. The bugs were out, so Johnny spent most of his time indoors or under bug screens outside. He did pretty well though and had a great time. It was great to see and spend some time with Cousin Shelia and Brian. We went out to dinner on Sunday night, at our favorite place, Fire and Ice. ( Thanks B&A) We are looking forward to getting up there again soon.
21 May 2007
Water For Elephants
Tonight I had book club here at my house. My choice of books was Water for Elephants -Sara Gruen. I had fun setting the table with a circus theme. Lucky Caroline likes elephants, so I had a few to play around with. Overall, everyone liked the book, so I did okay! Dinner was good too. It was too bad Chris wasn't home. Lucky I have a great babysitter who handled the kids and let me chat with ladies and drink wine!
20 May 2007
Happy Birthday Connor
Nephew Connor Wilson turned one!!! 8 weeks ahead of Johnny. They are going to be trouble when they get older.
Look out Mast Way School! We went over for some cake today. Connor proved to be a pretty clean birthday boy, no grabbing the cake and making a mess. Johnny was right there clapping his hands, waiting for his turn to come. He did get to enjoy some cake, and fell asleep on the way home, too much excitement.
Sister Sweetness
What sweet sisters Johnny has. He is very lucky. Hannah was eating yougurt in the sunshine by the door the other day. Johnny came crawling over to get a bite. He was like a baby bird, mouth opening, peeping for a bite. Maybe this should be a Stonyfields Ad! Caroline loves reading books to John and he loves being read too. Hopefully we have another avid reader in the house.
19 May 2007
Happy Mother's day
What a beautiful day for mother's day. Chris's parents, his brother Drew and his big boys came for brunch. Chris and Chris alone prepared a wonderful meal of crab quiche, quiche lorraine, fruit salad and asparagus wraps. We all enjoyed ourselves with champange punch and a gorgeous day. The kids had fun playing on the rocks and we all had fun watching them.
I got my solo walk in the afternoon and the my parents came for dinner. Chris, again, came through with dinner of salmon smoked on a cedar plank with a wonderful bluberry salsa. Notice the grankids with Grandma Andrea? Connor didn't come that day, but through the wonder of photo shop, he appeared!
16 May 2007
12 May 2007
Lydia's Baby Shower
Today Caroline, Hannah my mom and I went to Lydia's Baby shower. I can't believe my baby brother is having a baby. Lydia looks great and the shower was lovely. Lydia's sister, Kinsey, is pregnant too ( due a month before) so they had dueling bellies. I can't wait to unload all of John's stuff onto her! The girls enjoyed wearing their princess gowns-and looked so cute.
She got wonderful gifts and has so many great and loving friends.
The baby is lucky to be born into so much love that they have up there in Portland ME. I know in my past blogging, I declared that I thought it was a girl. Now I am not so sure. I will report back with my next vibe.
Family Wilson
I Scream You Scream, we all scream for ice cream
Hannah and John
A Sunny Day
08 May 2007
80 degrees in NH-let the Neighborhood Fun begin
First it started right off the bus. Playing in someone's yard. Then they came home to get their bathing suits. Then they moved to someone else's yard. Finally, they made it to our yard, the sprinkler went on and the popsicles came out. Johnny got to hang out and play for a little, and then sat sadly at the door and watched the kids play. Soon enough, Johnny, soon enough.
Baby Mozart
Look what Johnny can do
05 May 2007
The girls and daddy
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