Oh my goodness, she is a seven year old! At the beginning of the month, we celebrated her birthday with school friends, now, on the offical day, she picked the plans. She decided that she wanted HOMEMADE waffles and to open her presents at breakfast. I made the waffles, including folding in the peaked egg whites at the end, and Hannah opned the presents. We didn't see her or Caroline for quite a while as they played with the gifts. We packed up lunches and the neighborhood kids and headed out to the Seacoast at Odieorne Point in Rye. The 6 kids went tidepooling, had a seaside picnic and then went in and explore the museum. When we got home we had piano and guitar lessons, and learned a whole bunch of new songs.
Off to Hannah's next choice, the "moose place". (bugaboo creek) After a nice meal, they came over with a cake to sing the Happy Birthday song. Only at this place, they have a big moose head and they ask you to kiss the moose. Caroline always refuses, and Hannah does in Caroline's wake, but this time, she was brave and kissed him. John was a little apprehensive.
A nice day, all thanks to Hannah's instructions. We were quite busy. Looking forward to an overnight visit tomorrow from my Ct friend Cheryl and her three girls.