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26 October 2007

Mast Way School Halloween Social

I Know, it's before Halloween. The school has a BIG halloween party on the Friday before Halloween. The biggest social event of the year!! We were the first to get there and the last to leave. Hardly saw the girls the whole time.
Here are the photos in our yard before we left. Caroline- Spiderella a vampire witch, Hannah, lady liberty and Johnny as Dumbo (or Johnbo, as the girls called him). I thought it would be hard to get him to wear it, but he loved it.

These Boots are made for walking

Johnny got some boots from a friend. Once he wore then to the bus stop, and discovered the puddles, he thinks they are totally cool.

14 October 2007


We went to the most fabulous corn maze this weeknd. The weather was great. The maze was big and real and took about an hour. The kids were so ready to make decisions. I finally got my broken camera back - fixed! I took advantage of the day.

11 October 2007

The Patterson's Visit

We had fun seeing the family favorites, The Pattersons. They made the long Columbus day voyage from CT. We never saw the big kids unless they needed food. Catie and John had fun with eachother, when they weren't grabbing eachother's toys.
When we took out our camera to capture all the fun moments we had, we discovered our camera was broken. So, not too many shots were taken.
Seeing these friends, Godparents for eachother's kids and the cousin-like love that the kids have is so precious. I am glad that they are in our life, almost 11 years and running.

03 October 2007

Leisure Boy

Johnny visits cousin Ernie

John and I went up to Portland last week to visit Ernie and Lydia.
He didn't like Mommy holding another baby at first, but got used to it. Especially after he found lots'a stuff to get into.
He did try to share his pretzel though.

The Exciting Life of the Wilson's

Welcome to the everyday fun