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28 February 2008

Caroline's Birthday Party

10 girls, a High School Musical theme, a craft, kareoke, pizza, movie and twister.....
I am very tired.

Happy Birthday to Chris

Chris had his birthday on Wednesday. He and the girls all had dentist appt's - yipee!
He requested pudding for dessert.

27 February 2008

Patterson's Visit

All Nick wanted was Snow. Well we have it. He has no snow in Ct, and came up here and we have too much.
The kids went skiing with the dads. Sarah and I stayed home with John and Catie and took them to the Ocean.
Great time was had by all...doesn't take much, kids love to be together, give the dads some beer, sports and music and the moms some wine and a topic, and we are all happy!

Happy Birthday Caroline - #9!!

My first baby is now 9. Unbelieveable.
She is a smart, caring, sweet little girl, and she will always be my baby.
Big High School Musical II party coming up soon, with 10 girls, yikes!

Cookie Time

The girls sold 152 boxes of Girl Scout Cookies.
Now we need to sort them and get them out of the house!

Gasp...I am 35

Hannah decorated my cake.

Happy Valentine's day

Antique Wedding Gowns + Two girls......

Chris's mom has two very antique wedding gowns form far back in the family.
The girls, being carful, got to play dress up. How much fun is that??

Off to Boston

Beginning of February we went to visit Chris's parents for the weekend.
Took off to the Childrens Museum, kids had a great time.

The Exciting Life of the Wilson's

Welcome to the everyday fun