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23 July 2007

Ingredients: Kids and a Boat

Add six kids, life jackets (pfd's), four adults, a gorgeous day and a tube. Let it combine for two hours and see the results-Pure Happiness.

Rainbows on the Lake

The sky opened up and poured rain. The 10 of us and 2 dogs huddled in the cottage remembering our trip on the boat just minutes before. When the rain ended, we saw a FULL rainbow. Upon running out to check it out, another faint one appeared. Nothing gets better than that.

Newts Snakes and Toads oh my

We sent the kids off for a hike though the woods. Little did we know they would come back with a snake named Disco, 11 newts and 4 toads. They made them a nice habitat in buckets and took turns guarding them while the others sought more.

The 800 Pound Piano

Deep in the bedroom in the main cottage in Vermont, sat a 100 year old, 800 pound piano.
Though no one played it (besides the banging children), it served it's purpose of being a home for mice, a holder of games and a shelf for movies. Well, it is gone. Moved to make room for the growing amount of children that come to the cottage, replaced by bunk beds. It was quite the chore and a sight to see. The piano will find another home and won't be forgotten.

22 July 2007

A week vacation in VT

Warning...oodles of photos here....Here is a brief description of all that you will see

We arrived on Sunday with fabulous weather. The weather comtinued to be fabulous until Wednesday, when the rain came in.
We had a great family time. Swimming, reading, game playing. We visited the VT Country Store, real,ized that a lot of penny candy does make you sick. Visited the homestead of Calvin Coolidge, our 30th president. Caroline, our resident expert on presidents, was beside herself in the informtion and the sights. Then, our bestest family friends arrived, the Pattersons.
Even though it was raining like cats and dogs on Thurday, and Uncle Patty had a conference call, the kids didn't know the difference. They played in the rain, they went to see the famous Morgan horses with Uncle Wilson- even a trip to the A&W after. Friday- iffy weather, but still gave us the good fortune of tuning on the boat and hunting for newts and toads. The sky opened up and dropped buckets of rain, but then gave us a DOUBLE RAINBOW!! The rest of the weekend was spent with trips on the boat, sailing with Uncle Wilson, kayaking, swimming, newt and snake hunting and 'training' and all around natural fun.

14 July 2007


He is officially a toddler. Not only did he turn one, he also took his first set of steps. He had fun with his new toys, but was a little weary of the cake - and all of the cheering onlookers. He had a Yankee's themed party, I am especially proud of the cake.

HannahJane and Golf Camp

While Caroline was kayaking, Hannah was playing golf with the First Tee of NH. She did very well and enjoyed herself.
It was a great program. She even got A HOLE IN ONE on a 25 foot putt!! Her dad and Grandfather are very proud!!

11 July 2007

Caroline and Kayak Camp

Caroline has been doing kayak camp this week. She is having a lot of fun and learning a lot. They are doing in the the bay near the Ocean! Today they even practiced rolling. I have not been out to watch yet, but will be going tomorrow. My mom took these photos of her today. She was so tired she fellasleep in the car, had to be carried in and then fell asleep on the counter at dinner. I guess it was a pretty good workout!! They have learned so much stuff. Then they have to carry them up and spounge them off and put everything away. Great lessons!

09 July 2007

Tall Ships come to Portsmouth

The tall ships (4) came to Portsmouth this weekend. Although we were going to vermont, we made it to the pier on Friday morning to watch the parade. My parents were working on the boats, and were a wealth of information watching it with us.

The Exciting Life of the Wilson's

Welcome to the everyday fun