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20 September 2007

Such A Big Boy

Johnny sitting on his John Deere in his Timberlands.
Can't get more boy than that.

Last Time to the Beach

Well, I guess it won't be the last time, maybe the last time in a bathing suit.
The other weekend there was a hot day. We packed up the car, brought a picnic dinner and get cuaght in a thunderstorm.
When we got there it was 85 degrees, when the storm blew out, it was 60. We still had fun but left all the beach goods in the car.

Poor Buzz

Buzz has some sort of vitamin deficiency - making his nails brittle and fall off. Fun stuff.
He had to have surgery the other day. Now he has a fab accessory - the lamp shade.
John is very attracted to it, but also understands that somehow Buzz is hurting. He continues to stick his head in the shade and kiss Buzz. Very sweet.

05 September 2007

WOW, Does time fly-Second and Third Graders

Caroline is in 3rd and HannahJane in 2nd. Crazy stuff. They have reached the point in their youth where I can actually remember being that age. Weird.
JOhnny loved seeing the big yellow bus. Loves waiting for them to come home. Waved so hard today that he fell over.
Girls are having a great time so far. A school bus incident the first day, but mom resolved that, and they were off and running again. I have signed myself up for way too many things and they are all starting at once.

The Exciting Life of the Wilson's

Welcome to the everyday fun