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04 June 2007

Debbie and I made the drive down to Manchester on Sunday afternoon to participate in a focus group analyzing the debates.
We were also invited to go hold signs for Hillary, but it was raining and I was wearing heels. Debbie really wanted to go get a tee-shirt and then get back in the car, but that wouldn't be too american would it? (well maybe...)
Anyway, after a nice dinner and margarita's at Applebee's (we don't get out much!), we made our way over to the local ABC>CNN studios (WMUR). It was very cool to see the innerworkings of the place, and meet the news team. We watched the debate with a very white bread crowd (NH is so diverse!) and guaged our opinions on a dial ranging from 1-100. They offered us soda and cheese (no crackers), but overall a fun and interesting time. I am definately on the Hillary team so far. We will be waiting until Tuesday for the Rebublicans to make their day.

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